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What Is an API Security Audit?

API security audits

An API (application programming interface) security audit is the process of reviewing and testing the security measures of an API. This is important because APIs are often used to exchange sensitive data.

API security audit background and necessity

APIs are integral, but pose significant security risks if they are undefined and unprotected. These potential security weak points can be targeted by cybercriminals, leading to substantial data breaches.

Security gaps — An audit helps find and address security gaps within APIs before they can be exploited by hackers. Identifying these issues in advance can protect the company’s vital data assets.

Financial risks — Data breaches due to insecure APIs could lead to massive financial losses for a company. These costs are not only limited to immediate monetary losses but also include the expenses involved in recovery and system reinforcement.

Company reputation — A successful cyberattack can severely damage a company’s reputation. By conducting an API security audit, a company can prevent a data breach and keep a secure reputation.

Benefits — Carrying out an API security audit ensures the business remains in compliance with various data regulations, including GDPR, and reinforces customer confidence in the commitment to secure data.

The audit process — An API security audit includes several critical steps: testing all APIs for potential security vulnerabilities, in-depth review of the API design and implementation, stringent checks on API access controls, and an evaluation of encryption methods.

In the modern digital landscape, an API security audit is a business necessity. With advanced API security, businesses can mitigate risks and create a safer operating environment for themselves and their customers.

How to perform an API security audit

Diagram illustrating the concept of API discovery and management

There are several steps involved in performing an API security audit:

  • Planning and scope definition: Define the scope and objectives of the audit. This includes identifying the APIs to be tested, the types of threats to be considered, and the resources required.
  • Information gathering: Gather as much information as possible about the API and its architecture. This includes reviewing documentation, studying the API’s code and design, and conducting interviews with the API developers.
  • Threat modeling: Identify potential threats and vulnerabilities. This can be done using different techniques, with threat modeling frameworks like STRIDE or DREAD, or by reviewing common API attack vectors.
  • API evaluation and reporting: After the vulnerability testing is complete, evaluate the results and prepare a report detailing any vulnerabilities and solutions that were discovered.
  • API remediation: Based on the findings of the audit, the API developer will need to implement appropriate measures to address any vulnerabilities that were discovered. This may include fixing vulnerabilities in the code, implementing new security controls, or modifying the API’s architecture.
  • API runtime protection: Continuously monitor all APIs to understand baseline behavior and determine if any abnormal abusive behavior is happening. 
  • API verification and validation: Once the remediation measures have been implemented, it is important to verify that they are effective and that the API is now secure.

Can Akamai help perform an API security audit?

Akamai’s API security solution provides an automated risk audit of discovered APIs. This includes an assessment of the types of information on the API and whether any PII is included. The risk audit also includes risk scoring of any API service and endpoint.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

An API audit is a comprehensive examination of your application programming interfaces (APIs) to assess security, functionality, and performance.

Testing API security involves examining your APIs for potential vulnerabilities through penetration testing. Testing simulates API attacks to identify weak points, checking authentication and authorization to ensure its security.

API security refers to the practices and protocols in place to protect APIs from misuse or attack. It includes authentication, authorization, encryption, and the detection and mitigation of threats.

API security scanning is a proactive measure to identify potential security vulnerabilities within an APIs. Vulnerabilities can be related to data exposure, broken authorization checks, or insecure data encryption.

It can help identify vulnerabilities before they’re exploited, preventing potential data breaches. It also ensures APIs are compliant with regulations, increasing trust in the brand and preserving company reputation.

It can help identify vulnerabilities before they’re exploited, preventing potential data breaches. It also ensures APIs are compliant with regulations, increasing trust in the brand and preserving company reputation.

An API security plan should outline the approach to API security, including auditing and scanning of APIs, stringent authentication and authorization measures, robust encryption techniques, continuous monitoring for threats, and mitigating any vulnerabilities.

API security is important because APIs have access to sensitive data and therefore are often targeted by cybercriminals. Poor API security can lead to significant data breaches, which can have devastating financial consequences.

To protect an API from being hacked, implement strong authentication protocols, use robust encryption methods, and regularly scan and audit APIs for vulnerabilities.

API security best practices include regular auditing and scanning of APIs, employing strong authentication and authorization controls, using robust encryption for data transmission, limiting data exposure, and an incident response strategy.

Common vulnerabilities in API security are insufficient authentication and authorization, poor encryption, overexposed endpoints that leak sensitive information, broken access controls, and inadequate rate limiting, which could lead to a denial-of-service attack.

Top API security issues include unauthorized access, data breaches due to insufficient encryption, misuse of APIs leading to denial-of-service attacks, and vulnerabilities.

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